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Mea Beauty provides two different services to cater to each individual's desired look and lifestyle -

PMU Nano Brows and PMU Combo Brows. We now only provide machine work (replaced Microblading).

Both treatments can last 1-3 years. Check out details below to see what is the best fit for you!


"Nano Brows" aka Machine Hairstrokes is a permanent makeup (PMU) service that uses a machine + super fine needle to create realistic, hair-like tattoo strokes. 

Replaced previous Microblading.

Lasts 1-3 years depending on

each individual's skin types.


Total includes the 2 sessions.

Appointment length - 2.5 to 3 hours.


Price Breakdown:

1st session payment is $625.
2nd session - the "perfecting session"

(8-10 weeks later) payment is $50.

Your 2nd session appointment will be booked the day of your initial appointment.

Who is this service best for?

  • very natural, airy brow look (*Please note, for the best healed results = hair strokes not too close together)

  • most skin types, except large pores.



Combo Brows is a Permanent Makeup service that combines the Nano Brow machine hairstrokes + machine shading in order to create more of a filled in brow look.

Mimics a natural makeup look.

Lasts 1-3 years depending on each

individual skin type.


Includes the 2 sessions.

Appointment length - 2.5 to 3 hours.


Price Breakdown:

1st session payment is $575.
2nd session - the "perfecting session"

(8-10 weeks later) payment is $50.

Your 2nd session appointment will be booked the day of your initial appointment.

Who is this service best for?

  • natural makeup in brow look

  • most skin types

  • good for cover ups & corrections

All treatments require a 2nd session in order to ensure long lasting brows.

The above price includes both the initial appointment, and the healed brow touch-up appointment 8 prior inital treatment. Both Nano & Combo PMU treatments typically last about 1-3 years, depending on the person's skin type (Oily skin types fades faster & usage of products with retinol and glycolic acids.)


Please note that the 2nd session must be booked at 8-10 weeks max post initial session. After that, there is an additional charge.

 The Process:

Before, Mapping, and After Treatment


When should I get my touch ups ?

It is ideal for all Nano Brows & Combo Brows to be at LEAST 50% - 70% faded, prior to making an appointment for the 1-3+ year touch ups. Everyone's skin type & skin renewal cycle is different. Therefore the timing will vary. If you are unsure if your brows need a touch up, you can email or text us a picture of your brows.





The above pricing is for previous Mea Beauty clients only. 

​The total price shown is also split between 2 appointments - 2nd session is $50.




Had your initial service at a different location and need a touch up?

New clients with work done at a previous location must book a consultation (virtual or in person) before making an appointment. We must first asses the amount of work that needs to be done for the touch up (Brows must be 50-70% faded from previous appointment). 







Had your initial service at a different location and need correction work? 

New clients with work done at a previous location in need of color correction, an entire new shape, or other concerns. Consultation required in person in order to asses the work that needs to be done for the corrections. (Brows should be 50-70% faded from previous appointment.) Please note, if they cannot be corrected we may suggest a removal recommendation first. 


For more information, email us at

Prior to appointment, all must read all the information on this page.

Mea Beauty Nano Brows 

Q & A

what you need to know


Q. What is the difference between Microblading and the PMU services: Nano Brows & Combo Brows?

A. The difference is in the tool used. Microblading is done with a manual tool, meanwhile PMU treatments such as Nano & Combo brows are deposited into the skin using a machine. Often, there is less scabbing with nano brows than microblading scabbing during the healing process.


Q. What is an airy, natural brow look?

A.  An airy brow look is a look in which realistic looking hairstrokes are not placed too close together. This is essential for longevity (having negative space in between each hairstroke also looks the most natural). The hairstrokes look, whether Microblading or Nano Brows, is NOT to be a dense look. If you want a "filled in" brow look that mimics makeup, the Combo Brows would be for you. 


Q. Is there any down time for the healing process?

A.  Yes. We suggest not planning your appointment within 14 days or less of any occasion in which you would sweat in the brow area. Keeping sweat/dirt/debris/away from the brows in the first 14 days is very important for proper healing.

Initially the brows will appear 1-2 shades darker than the target pigment. Also during the process the skin swells, causing the brows to look thicker then the end healed result will be. Each day the pigment will lighten, and the brows will shrink up to 30% within one week. There may also be some peeling and/or scabbing as the skin regenerates on top of the treatment. The brows will be fully healed in about 6-10 weeks (depending on skin type).

Over the years, the brow treatments will continue to fade out.

We suggest the 1-3+ yearly touch ups after the brows have faded at least 50%. 


Q. Am I a candidate?

A.  You are NOT a candidate if you are/have any of the following:

  • Pregnant or nursing.

  • Large pores, very oily skin. Very textured skin.

  • Using products with retinal (must remain off of it for at least 7 days prior, and during the treatment healing process).

  • Have any skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and diagnosed rashes or blisters on the site that is to be treated.

  • Allergies to makeup or color pigment.

  • Have any transmittable blood conditions like HIV or Hepatitis.

  • Under the age of 18.

  • Have skin healing disorders.

  • On blood thinners.

  • Eyelift or blepharoplasty: Must wait 3 months post procedure.



-Taking Plan B Contraceptive within the first 7 days of your procedure will result in 100% loss of pigment!

-When having laser treatments such as laser hair removal, you MUST tell the service provider that you have micro pigmentation within your brow area and THEY MUST BE COVERED!


Q. Is the treatment painful?

A.  Our services have very minimal pain. Some compare it to the feeling of a tattoo, some have said it feels like tweezing. Regardless, we do apply some numbing cream before and during the process in order to help alleviate any possible pain. Often, some of our clients fall asleep during our appointments.


Q. If I had previous Microblading (manual strokes) done, could I get Nano or Combo Brows?

A.  Yes! If the previous work has faded enough we can absolutely use machine work over any previous manual Microblading work.

Most people even have less scabbing and/or swelling with our PMU machine work. 

With all touch ups, your previous brow treatment should be at least 50% faded prior to coming in for yearly touch ups. You can send us pics to of your eyebrows if you are unsure if your brows have faded enough.


Q. What should I expect during the healing process?

A.  Following your procedure, your technician will apply the ointment to your brows to help protect the treatment area.


- The day of the treatment: Gently blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid, rinse and cleanse your brows before bedtime with a gentle facial cleanser. Pat dry, then apply the provided ointment.


Days 1-7: Wash & Moisturize

- Gently cleanse your brows twice AM/PM with a gentle facial cleanser

- Apply ointment to the treated area after each cleanse


Days 1-14: Avoid activities that would involve sweating, debris, and exfoliation to the eyebrow treated area. (More in depth info below)



Nano Brows/Combo Brows are a two part procedure, and the second appointment must be done 8-10weeks following the initial appointment. This is a custom designed brow and you may require several touch ups to ensure the skin retains the pigment and you achieve your desired look. Your first touch up is included in the price of the initial procedure, but all other touch ups are priced upon consultation.


  • The complete healing process takes 8-10 weeks. At 8-10 weeks the true and final color of the tattoo will show. It is only after 8-10 weeks that a touchup to the tattoo can be done.

  • Please note that your tattoo will be softer and not as crisp when healed.

  • Note that results will vary with each individual, you can expect to see your final appearance up to 8-10 weeks post your final touch-up visit.


Q. What is required before coming in for my treatment?​

PRE-CARE - Must follow prior to your appointment:

  • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before the procedure.

  • No retinol usage 30 days before and after the treatment.

  • Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face/skin.

  • Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure.

  • Do not have botox 3 weeks prior.

  • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior (natural blood thinners).

  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure.

  • Do not drink alcohol 24 - 48 hours before.

  • Do not consume coffee or any caffeine before your procedure.

  • Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood).


Q. What is required after the treatment?​


Pools, jacuzzis, tanning, excess sweating, facials, and saunas should be avoided for a period of at least 14 days or until area is fully healed. Skin creams and products containing Retin-A, AHA, or any kind of skin peel must ever not be used directly on the area as they will fade and possibly distort your brows. Sun blocks should always be applied to the healed area (SPF 50 recommended) when staying out in the sun for an extended period of time. Until your brows are healed, wear a brimmed hat in the sun.


Q. What other important things do I need to know?


Always avoid laser treatments over the treated area (Fraxel Laser, IPL) because they can destroy the pigment and cause burns. Use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can lead to a faster pigment fading. Always protect the eyebrows from the sun with SPF (not during the first 7 days).



Have more questions about the process? Please feel free to contact us!

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